Brimcon Sako

"Just another sun in Eorzea."

What you see is what you get

The old man's appearance

Basic Info

What people may know about the Dad-catte

OOC Info

Some out of character information that may be interesting.


Stoic and serious most of the time, Sako wears a plain expression, but has a warmth about him, smiling at those who pass by. Usually garbed in green he is known to wear plated archer armor and a feathered hat when performing. A braid dangles down the left side of his head nearing his shoulder.

Basic Information

Full Name: Brimcon Sako
Age: 44
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Job: Chief Engineer of the Gilded Compass
Happily Married to Fidona Sako
Height: 5' 8.2"
Likes: Tea, Spicy foods, building things
Dislikes: Pointless conflict
Hobbies: Playing music, Crafting
Free Company: Gilded Compass

OOC Information

Desired Roleplay Types: Slice of life, Mature, Erotic.
Approaches: Both Walkup & Tells
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Days: All days, but hours can be erratic.

I also double as an omni-crafter.